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GO ( Clustering set 4 > GO C1 )

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    Total Count : 46
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GOType Level GOID GOName p_value corr_pvalue Pop_total Pop_hits Total Gene_count Genes
Biological Process 8 GO:0051274 beta-glucan biosynthetic process 0.00 0.00 11,691 53 828 17
Biological Process 5 GO:0016192 vesicle-mediated transport 0.00 0.00 11,691 553 828 73
Biological Process 6 GO:0048193 Golgi vesicle transport 0.00 0.00 11,691 217 828 37
Biological Process 4 GO:0010431 seed maturation 0.00 0.00 11,691 75 828 18
Biological Process 3 GO:0051235 maintenance of location 0.00 0.00 11,691 92 828 20
Biological Process 3 GO:0010162 seed dormancy process 0.00 0.01 11,691 62 828 15
Biological Process 3 GO:0022611 dormancy process 0.00 0.01 11,691 62 828 15
Biological Process 3 GO:0021700 developmental maturation 0.00 0.01 11,691 172 828 28
Biological Process 5 GO:0061025 membrane fusion 0.00 0.01 11,691 122 828 22
Biological Process 4 GO:0019915 lipid storage 0.00 0.01 11,691 66 828 15
Biological Process 5 GO:0006888 endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport 0.00 0.01 11,691 74 828 16
Biological Process 9 GO:0030244 cellulose biosynthetic process 0.00 0.01 11,691 46 828 12
Biological Process 7 GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.00 0.01 11,691 33 828 10
Biological Process 5 GO:0034637 cellular carbohydrate biosynthetic process 0.00 0.01 11,691 298 828 40
Biological Process 7 GO:0009250 glucan biosynthetic process 0.00 0.02 11,691 232 828 33
Biological Process 6 GO:0052547 regulation of peptidase activity 0.00 0.02 11,691 35 828 10
Biological Process 6 GO:0045861 negative regulation of proteolysis 0.00 0.02 11,691 23 828 8
Biological Process 6 GO:0033692 cellular polysaccharide biosynthetic process 0.00 0.02 11,691 275 828 37
Biological Process 5 GO:0006508 proteolysis 0.00 0.02 11,691 799 828 84
Biological Process 6 GO:0000271 polysaccharide biosynthetic process 0.00 0.02 11,691 288 828 38
Biological Process 7 GO:0051273 beta-glucan metabolic process 0.00 0.02 11,691 89 828 17
Biological Process 4 GO:0071695 anatomical structure maturation 0.00 0.03 11,691 157 828 24
Biological Process 7 GO:0006552 leucine catabolic process 0.00 0.03 11,691 6 828 4
Biological Process 7 GO:0070084 protein initiator methionine removal 0.00 0.03 11,691 6 828 4
Biological Process 6 GO:0006073 cellular glucan metabolic process 0.00 0.03 11,691 301 828 38
Biological Process 6 GO:0044042 glucan metabolic process 0.00 0.03 11,691 301 828 38
Biological Process 5 GO:0030466 chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette 0.00 0.03 11,691 3 828 3
Biological Process 7 GO:0042407 cristae formation 0.00 0.03 11,691 3 828 3
Biological Process 7 GO:0010466 negative regulation of peptidase activity 0.00 0.03 11,691 15 828 6
Biological Process 8 GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity 0.00 0.03 11,691 15 828 6
Biological Process 5 GO:0005976 polysaccharide metabolic process 0.00 0.04 11,691 369 828 44
Biological Process 5 GO:0044264 cellular polysaccharide metabolic process 0.00 0.05 11,691 351 828 42
Cellular Component 6 GO:0031985 Golgi cisterna 0.00 0.01 11,691 23 828 9
Cellular Component 6 GO:0005795 Golgi stack 0.00 0.02 11,691 29 828 9
Cellular Component 3 GO:0012505 endomembrane system 0.00 0.02 11,691 1,072 828 107
Molecular Function 4 GO:0061134 peptidase regulator activity 0.00 0.04 11,691 35 828 10
Molecular Function 7 GO:0000009 alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity 0.00 0.04 11,691 5 828 4
Molecular Function 6 GO:0035251 UDP-glucosyltransferase activity 0.00 0.04 11,691 24 828 8
Molecular Function 7 GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.00 0.04 11,691 9 828 5
Molecular Function 5 GO:0008194 UDP-glycosyltransferase activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 47 828 11
Molecular Function 6 GO:0004485 methylcrotonoyl-CoA carboxylase activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 3 828 3
Molecular Function 5 GO:0030414 peptidase inhibitor activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 16 828 6
Molecular Function 5 GO:0061135 endopeptidase regulator activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 16 828 6
Molecular Function 6 GO:0004866 endopeptidase inhibitor activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 16 828 6
Molecular Function 7 GO:0004177 aminopeptidase activity 0.00 0.05 11,691 35 828 9
Molecular Function 5 GO:0016758 transferase activity, transferring hexosyl groups 0.00 0.05 11,691 128 828 20